Monday, March 02, 2009

And again I say rejoice!

Book of the Week: See previous post.

Today I got the news I have wanted, but was always afraid I wouldn’t get, ever since the morning of November 26. Dad is now officially in the Big R. No new lesions. No new growths. No anything. All Clear. I am so grateful and I am so happy. I know it’s early days yet but to hear this at the first scan post-op is tremendous and such a boost. I am sure it’s not just the family who are rejoicing and relieved, I know for a fact that there are so many, many dear friends out there and back home, who have been praying hard all this time, giving thanks as well. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, all.

Factoids of the Week:
One in three of us will be affected by cancer during our life. We’ve already been directly affected twice. I don’t ever want to have to do it again, or wish it on anyone.

One in every nine women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life; more than 45,000 cases are diagnosed every year, or around 125 a day. It is the most common cancer in the UK and the leading cause of death for women aged 34 to 54.

Every year, 300 men in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer.

Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. In the UK, it is the second most-frequently occurring cancer, accounting for one in seven new cases, with nine of out 10 linked to smoking.

Bowel cancer, also known as colon, colorectal or rectal cancer, is the third most common cancer in the UK.


Gareth Brown said...

Very pleased for your dad too!

Moomykin said...

It is not true that we love our children more than our parents.
It's just that with our kids we run up the account of them not ever being able to pay us back, and with our folks, we are ever in debt.

Glad your dad is well.